Found 5 results written by: Sumita Mukherjee
Reverend E. B. Bhose and the St Luke’s Lascar Mission
Japanese Seamen’s Home
In 1903, a new Japanese Seamen's Home was opened by the Bishop of Osaka at 31 Elizabeth Street, North Woolwich, near the Royal Albert Docks.

This section highlights the ways that religion, race and class moderated the experiences of sailors afloat and on shore through agents such as missions to seamen, sailors’ homes and maritime enterprises.

In this section we look at some of the key men and women who were patrons, founders, and missionaries, involved in the lives of seafarers, who came from around the world, to British ports.

Shipping companies
Shipping companies were crucial to the lives of mariners. They controlled wages and condition, contributed to the scanty services available through marine charities, and shaped the character of port cities.