Found 8 results tagged: Mission

In this story Steven Spencer, Director of Salvation Army International Heritage Centre, discusses the History of the Salvation Navy and its vessels, including its first flagship, The SS Iole.

A Lascar Institute in Birkenhead is mentioned in the annual general meeting minutes of the Mersey Mission to Seamen, held at the Liverpool Record Office. This appears to be a continuation of The Birkenhead Mission to Asiatic Seamen. The minutes first mention the Institute from 1910 and continue up into the 1920s, when a new building was constructed.

Joseph Salter was one of the most prolific missionaries and writers to address ‘Asiatics’ in nineteenth-century Britain.

Pioneer marine missionary and founding figure for the Bristol Channel Mission and Missions to Seafarers.

The Merchant Seamen's Bible Society was founded in 1818 to supply British merchant ships with copies of scripture.

Mission to Seafarers was established in 1856 as a national Society, incorporating the Bristol Channel Mission and the Thames Church Mission. The Society provided chaplains to serve vessels and seamen afloat and ashore.

In 1900, a mission room for lascars was established at Morpeth Docks, liverpool. It was known as 'The Birkenhead Mission to Asiatic Seamen'.